Held in Grace… Belong, Believe, Befriend
Our office hours vary. If you need to come to the office, please call ahead to make sure someone is here. Updates will be posted on the website as well.
Below are links to worship videos recorded by Pastor Lexy Steinle and Visitation Pastor Ann Johnston.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a Christian community of faith that seeks to live in and live out the gift of being held in God’s grace. This journey of grace entails seeking to grow and go, grow in trust of God and go to others with God’s love and care. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27) Bethlehem’s community life centers on doing and being this by worshiping, learning and serving.
God is a great giver! In response to all we have been given, we are invited to be good stewards – of the creation, one another and ourselves. Through our time, talents and treasures we seek to be a vehicle of God’s grace to a world in need.
To give of your time and talent, please visit our SERVE page.
To give financially, online donation is available through our secure online donations process.
Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship
9:30 a.m.
Wednesday Worship
6:00 p.m. Worship
Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship
9:30 am
Wednesday Worship
6:00 pm
Christian Education
PreK-1 6:15 pm
Gr 2-7 7:15 pm
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
613 16th Street South
Fargo, North Dakota 58103
Office: 701-235-6522
Warm Line Devotions: 701-235-6548
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