Pastor Lexy Steinle
What a joy it is to be in ministry together!
I have served at Bethlehem since 2008 in multiple roles in music and children’s and family ministry, prior to stepping into the role of Bethlehem’s pastor. I have a background in music education and graduated from Concordia College in Moorhead, MN in 2012. After seven years of teaching elementary music in north Moorhead, I jumped completely into church ministry, and graduated from Lutheran Seminary in the summer of 2022. My ordination and installation at BLC was celebrated October 8, 2022! I have a deep love of stewardship and relationship building in the church and am always up for conversation over coffee!
I am a cat mom of two, Zelda and Zuri, and love traveling around Fargo on my bicycle! My faith is rooted in the amazing grace of God, knowing there is nothing I could do for God to love me any more or less than God does right now, and responding to that grace as an invitation to join in the good work of the Holy Spirit in this beautifully created world. From Ephesians 2:8-10, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God -- not as the result of works, so that on one may boast. For we are what God has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life."
Pastor Ann Johnston
I have been serving at Bethlehem since January 2019 as Visitation Minister, in a volunteer capacity. I came on board as staff in January 2021 after I retired as a full-time RN during COVID. I was ordained as an Episcopal priest in 2005 and served at Gethsemane Episcopal Church until the winter of 2018. I am so happy God led me to Bethlehem Lutheran Church.
I have six grown children that include a married daughter in Kentucky (two grandsons and one granddaughter), a married step-daughter in Moorhead (two granddaughters and a grandson), a step-daughter in Horace (a granddaughter), two sons and a daughter-in-law in Fargo, and a son in Mandan. Judge (the cat) and Judy (the dog) complete our family.
I believe Jesus is the center of Christian living. This relationship is central in my life. God loves us and our job is to respond to that love. God blessed me with the gift of service and gab. I receive more love and satisfaction with my ministry to others than they receive! It is an honor to serve at Bethlehem.
Aimee Livdahl
Dale Lammi
Aimee Livdahl
Judy Coughlin
Will Jacobson
Brigham Drevlow
Brigham Drevlow