Youth: 8th – 12th Grade
The church library is located just off the Narthex (east side of the building). It offers a variety of books for children, teens, and adults. Our church librarian is Noreen Halvorson. Look for updated information on the library shortly.
Come and check out the conversations and activities that keep our youth engaged with this world, each other and God!
Confirmation classes are for grades 8-9 and meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. during the school year. An overview of the Bible, including the Old and New Testament is covered, as well as learning the Small Catechism, which entails The Ten Commandments, The Apostle’s Creed and The Lord’s Prayer. The material is taught by our pastor. Fellowship and Service Events are components of the program as well. Typically, youth confirm their faith in the fall of the 10th grade year at a designated Sunday worship service.
The Youth Program at Bethlehem is led by our Youth Director, Brigham Drevlow, who is in the office from 3:00-8:00 Wednesday nights. Or if you need to contact or meet with him at a different time, you can email him by clicking here.
There are many activities designed for each age group. These activities provide times for you to get together with your friends at church. Many activities have no cost and fundraisers are available to give youth a chance to earn money to pay for additional events. Youth retreats, lock-ins, and Bible camps are just some of the opportunities our program offers.
God Squad is open to 8th through 12th graders.
- God Squad meets one Sunday each month from 2:00-3:00 p.m. at a local coffee shop. The meeting is dedicated to discussion to grow your own faith. Check our Facebook page and Youth bulletin board for more information on events!
Family Events are held monthly for all ages to participate, including bowling, skating, mini golf, and trampoline parks. Information and sign up is located on the youth bulletin board across from the Sanctuary.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- How do our young people pay for activities?
- The youth groups are given several opportunities throughout the year to raise money, which is held in their personal account to be spent on youth activities. The Youth Board also gives a scholarship for events to each active youth member. And some activities are funded entirely by the Youth Board.
- How do they sign up to work?
- Sign up sheets are posted on the Youth Bulletin Board, located in the hall across from the front entrance (west end) of the sanctuary OR contact the Youth Director.
- How do they travel to events?
- The Youth Director drives youth to out of town events. Parents are also encouraged to volunteer as drivers/chaperones.
Send other questions to Brigham here.
Funds for Fun, Fun for Funds:
- Many fund-raisers are team-building activities giving you a chance to work with friends and to make new friends.
- Some of the regularly scheduled fund-raisers are as follows:
- Lenten potluck suppers
- Easter breakfast
- Christmas wreath sales
- Ten percent of fund-raising money is tithed by the youth to a deserving cause chosen by our youth.
- Sixty percent of the money raised goes to your individual account.
- Forty percent of the money goes to the youth budget to provide programming for the entire group.
Visit our Facebook page, Bethlehem Lutheran-Youth, for upcoming events!
Worship Schedule
/in Worship Schedule /by adminSunday Worship
9:30 a.m.
Wednesday Worship
6:00 p.m. Worship